Corvus Ecological Consulting, LLC

Specializing in Sensitive-Species Surveys and Environmental Compliance

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We have been working with developers in California to meet the state's energy demands through the utilization of renewable energy sources. Our efforts minimize environmental impacts through the implementation of regulatory guidelines while acting as a liaison between energy companies and government agencies.

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Desert Sunlight project link

Corvus Ecological Consulting is currently workings as a subcontractor to Ironwood Consulting, Inc. Corvus is overseeing the project's Raven Management Plan and supplying field support in the form of biological monitors, biological field surveyors and avian point count technicians.

Mojave Solar project link

Corvus Ecological Consulting worked as a subcontractor to AECOM during preconstruction desert tortoise clearance surveys during the spring of 2011. The Corvus field crew completed three 100% - coverage clearance surveys across the project footprint, successfully meeting project deadlines. Nesting bird surveys resulted in the protection of bird species during the construction of a desert tortoise exclusion fence along the project's perimeter.  

Corvus Ecological Consulting worked as a subcontractor to AECOM during geotechnical investigations along Southern California Edison's proposed Eldorado to Ivanpah Transmission Project (EITP). Corvus supplied United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Authorized Biologists who worked as biological monitors to ensure the protection of desert tortoise along the project's alignment.

Sunrise Powerlink project link

Corvus Ecological Consulting worked as a subcontractor to Chambers
Group. Corvus supplied support to the project, providing a biological
monitor and an avian biologist. The avian biologist was approved by the
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and California Department of Fish
and Game (CDFG) to perform preconstruction nesting bird surveys along the
project alignment prior to the initiation of construction-related activities.

Mitigation Assessments

Corvus Ecological Consulting is currently working with Wildlands, Inc. to perform habitat assessments within land parcels that are being considered as habitat mitigation to offset the impacts of utility-scale green energy development in California's eastern deserts.

Solar Millennium

Corvus Ecological Consulting worked as a subcontractor to AECOM during preliminary habitat assessments. Corvus biologists performed biological field surveys that focused on the detection of sensitive plant and animal species including: desert tortoise, mojave fringe-toed lizards, Le Conte's Thrasher, Burrowing Owl and Loggerhead Shrike.

Corvus provided USFWS Authorized Biologists who worked as biological monitors to ensure the safety of desert tortoise during the project's geotechnical investigations, seismic refraction surveys and during the drilling and development of production wells.